Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Idaho Falls House

Over the last two days I have been in Idaho Falls taking care of our house. We cleaned, shampooed carpets and painted and tonight we signed papers to sell it. It was really bitter sweet. I am happy to have it sold, we have not lived in Idaho Falls in a year and a half, but I am sad.
There are so many memories that were made in the house. That is where Matt, Patrick, and myself began our life as a family, that is where Matt became a licensed plumber, that is where I finished school, that is where Patrick grew up before my eyes.
On Monday we were there cleaning and stopped to have lunch. Matt and I sat on the hearth in front of the fire place. Matt says "we began here and we end here." When we first moved in and it was a mess we sat and ate lunch on the hearth, when it was empty and we were leaving it for good, we stopped and ate lunch on the hearth. I cried. I know, a house is a house. I am sure we will have many more to come and the memories from the 8th st house will stay with me forever, but it was my final goodbye, I am finally ending that chapter in my life.

However, the signing process was less than perfect. We were supposed to close on Monday. We got a call about 1:30 to say there was a hang up and we would not be signing. With the push from our Realtor we signed Tuesday at 4:30pm. It was a very stress 2 days and I am glad they are over!


Rachel said...

i totally understand exactly what you are saying about it being a bittersweet. I am happy for you... and I will miss the house on 8th street... but Im excited that it FINALLY sold.