Wednesday, December 26, 2007

One big lump

Well, I made it. To the end of a horrible semester, and to think I did it to myself. I also made it through Christmas, so this will be one big lump of both.

This year they were a week before Christmas, yuck! I had 6 finals. One class I was a little worried about even passing and the rest I was sitting good in, but why let my grade drop just because I did not put enough time in? So I studied my but off (too bad it doesn't really fall off). I had one on Monday, and one Wednesday and then I had three Thursday and one the Friday before Christmas. It all did pay off. I got all B's one was a - and three were +.
Now I wish I could say that I has some A's, but school never was a strong point and I figured with that many classes I should be glad that they were all B's

Christmas came out of nowhere for me. School consumed me! But Christmas was so nice. We went to Heather's on Christmas eve for my family. We ate and opened presents and talked. We all talked about what Christmas meant to us. Well for those who were not there to hear what I had to say, my thing was friends. Matt's dad has this mentally handicapped guy that he goes to see every year, named Harry. He always brings him a present and candy. Well this year we went with him. Well the lady that runs the place is a bit of a raunch and her husband let us in to see him and told her that we were his family (which we had not said) and she came storming out of their house mad asking why we had said we were his family.
She said "He has no family why did you say you were family"
So we told her that we never said that and Harry answered his door right after that. Let me tell you how cool it was. He was so excited and he hugged Matt's dad saying I knew you would come! I knew you would not forget me. He was so excited to get some candy and to get a present. He could hardly contain himself.
So it made me think so what if we were not his "family". Is having the same blood the only thing that makes you family? I think not!
So at Christmas time don't forget your friends who don't have family. You may be the only "family" they have.
It was so much fun to watch my little niece and nephew (who are siblings) fight over a present I got some good pictures.

Hallie pouting when Kelsie got to open the princess paper present.

Then we went to Matt's parents. We ate and hung out. I watched a Very Brady Christmas for the first time! We just enjoyed each other and enjoyed being together on Christmas. I will never get tired the way Matt is when he is opening presents. So kid like with such excitement I love it!

This is why I love Christmas so much!