Sunday, November 16, 2008


Bogie had figured out how to do magic! Or he grew opposable thumbs.
The other morning about 4:30 Matt gets me up and asks me where Bogie is. I tell him he is probably under the covers. Matt tells me he is not. So I tell him he is probably in Patrick's room. So I get up and wake Patrick up. He does not have Bogie either. So I go back to our room and start ripping the covers off the bed. That little dog can bury himself pretty good. Well no Bogie. I start to yell his name, no bogie. I go to the front door (which is locked) and open it. In comes Bogie. Matt begins with oh poor Bogie you guys left him out all night! He has got to be freezing. Well he is not. His body is still warm and his metal tags are still warm and he is not shivering. That little dog has not been out that long. Well we jump back into bed with little more thought.
After Matt gets off work he calls me and I tease him about letting Bogie out while he is sleep walking. He says no it was Patrick or it was you and I tell him it must be the underwear Gnome (family joke). For the rest of the day I called Bogie Houdini.

Well as it turns out Matt had this dream that Bogie was scratching at the door and in his dream bogie says to him "let me in" so what I think happened is that Bogie scratched on the bedroom door just before 4:30. Matt has to be to work at 5:30 so he is somewhat awake. Not realizing it he lets Bogie out and goes back to bed. Well in his subconscious mind he knows he still has to let Bogie back in, hence the dream. When he realizes Bogie is gone he does not remember letting him out.

So either Matt sleep walks or Bogie is Houdini!