Well, I made it. To the end of a horrible semester, and to think I did it to myself. I also made it through Christmas, so this will be one big lump of both.
This year they were a week before Christmas, yuck! I had 6 finals. One class I was a little worried about even passing and the rest I was sitting good in, but why let my grade drop just because I did not put enough time in? So I studied my but off (too bad it doesn't really fall off). I had one on Monday, and one Wednesday and then I had three Thursday and one the Friday before Christmas. It all did pay off. I got all B's one was a - and three were +.
Now I wish I could say that I has some A's, but school never was a strong point and I figured with that many classes I should be glad that they were all B's
Christmas came out of nowhere for me. School consumed me! But Christmas was so nice. We went to Heather's on Christmas eve for my family. We ate and opened presents and talked. We all talked about what Christmas meant to us. Well for those who were not there to hear what I had to say, my thing was friends. Matt's dad has this mentally handicapped guy that he goes to see every year, named Harry. He always brings him a present and candy. Well this year we went with him. Well the lady that runs the place is a bit of a raunch and her husband let us in to see him and told her that we were his family (which we had not said) and she came storming out of their house mad asking why we had said we were his family.
She said "He has no family why did you say you were family"
So we told her that we never said that and Harry answered his door right after that. Let me tell you how cool it was. He was so excited and he hugged Matt's dad saying I knew you would come! I knew you would not forget me. He was so excited to get some candy and to get a present. He could hardly contain himself.
So it made me think so what if we were not his "family". Is having the same blood the only thing that makes you family? I think not!
So at Christmas time don't forget your friends who don't have family. You may be the only "family" they have.
It was so much fun to watch my little niece and nephew (who are siblings) fight over a present I got some good pictures.
Hallie pouting when Kelsie got to open the princess paper present.
Then we went to Matt's parents. We ate and hung out. I watched a Very Brady Christmas for the first time! We just enjoyed each other and enjoyed being together on Christmas. I will never get tired the way Matt is when he is opening presents. So kid like with such excitement I love it!
This is why I love Christmas so much!
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
One big lump
Posted by Robbie at 10:24 PM 0 comments
Friday, November 30, 2007
I know, two posts in one day. I just could not resist. Thanks Rachel!Your Christmas is Most Like: A Charlie Brown Christmas
Each year, you really get into the spirit of Christmas.
Which is much more important to you than nifty presents.
And one last entry.......
I must get back to homework.What The Holidays Mean to You
For you, the holidays are about celebration. You enjoy all the fun and fellowship that the holidays bring.
You celebrate the holidays in a minimalist style. You are likely to only give one great present and decorate your house with a few special items.
During the holidays, you like to feel cozy and comfortable. You're happy to stay inside with a roaring fire and a warm drink.
You think the holidays should be nostalgic and sweet. The holidays bring out your inner child.
Your best holiday memories are of childhood foods and traditions. You secretly still wish you believed in Santa Claus.
Posted by Robbie at 12:03 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Just a quick one
Nothing to really say, OK not enough time to say it. We had parent teacher conference tonight, very interesting. How to motivate a 12 year old who does not care... HMMM that will be interesting. So the story is Patrick is passing all of his classes, but just barely (we're talking c- and c) and the teachers are pushing for more. They know he can do so much better, just chooses not to. I have to agree with them, which means I will have to micromanage......
Oh, 2 weeks of class, finals week and then the semester is over and only one left!!!
Posted by Robbie at 11:31 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 18, 2007
ThanksGiving Break
Finally, I am on Thanksgiving break. I thought it would never come! I have had so many tests and so many things due and it was been crazy. Not that this break will really be a break considering that I have a million things to do for school still! But it will be nice to have nothing else to worry about for a whole week!
Since thanksgiving is so close, what I am thankful for...
1. Matt, my wonderful husband. He supports me in school, tries his hardest to give me all the time I need to myself, takes care of my family with any plumbing issues, and takes care of me and Patrick
2. Patrick, he is my everything and I often think were I would be if I had never had him. I really don't like it. I could have never asked for a better son.
3. Family, nothing is better than hanging out with your siblings, or being an aunt. They have been there through thick and thin for me. I also know that I would have never been able to make it with Patrick if I did not have them.
4. School friends, they are the many that are in every class and the ones that make going to school easier. They have become my mini family (I spend enough time with them to be family) and what makes getting through school easier
5. Just plain old friends, from my Texas friend to my friends here. They all give me something that no one else can.
6. My in-laws, I could not have asked for better. They have made many things possible and have raised a wonderful child making him a wonderful husband and father figure.
7. Christmas music, I know weird, but it makes me happy. It reminds me that Christmas is right around the corner, by the way I love Christmas!
8. Color, thank you Kelsie for reminding me!
Posted by Robbie at 11:43 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
My Niece Kelsie
My niece Kelsie is the cutest little girl ever.
She put a comment(3 actually) on my blog that made absolutely no sense. Turns out she spelled something wrong in the first post and then accidentally deleted it so the second one made no sense, then let me know that she had deleted the first and that she did not have time to retype it because it was late and "her mom was getting mad" in her third post. She is cute, sweet, a little dingy and the best niece.
Now I don't mean to single her out. I have four nieces (McKenzie, Kelsie, Mary, Hallie) and I must say I love having nieces. I love them all very much. They give me the small feel of what it would be like to have girls.
Disclaimer: I love that I have a boy. I also love that I have nephews. In general I love being an aunt.
This is not all of my nieces and nephews, but most of them.
From right to left
Kolton, Hallie (behind the leg), McKenzie, Kelsie (sitting in the middle), Patrick, Asher
Posted by Robbie at 8:10 PM 4 comments
Friday, November 2, 2007
I know that we are now on to Thanksgiving, but I really liked the fairy looking girl. So she will stay for a bit before I change her into Thanksgiving motif.
Halloween was fun, Patrick went with his friend, we are no longer cool, and we passed out candy at my in-laws and then went off to my sister's to see the other kids.
Speaking of in-laws, I just wanted to say that I have the best. I could have never asked for better in-laws.
Posted by Robbie at 12:54 AM 3 comments
Monday, October 29, 2007
And Counting
I want you all to know that I have 6 weeks left of this semester.
I am not counting Thanksgiving week or finals week, but there is 3 weeks until Thanksgiving and then 3 more weeks until finals.
And yes I am counting.
Posted by Robbie at 7:14 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Not so smart
My advice for the day...
For all who already knew this....
Why didn't someone tell me how bad it would be?
Yes, 18. Am I crazy? Yes, but the price you pay to graduate. All I do is homework. The question I get asked at home is "don't you get sick of always doing homework?" and Yes, but again the price you pay. So if anyone is wondering how I do it, I never stop doing homework. Sometimes I stop for a minute to write in my blog because it is a no thinking activity to give my brain a rest that does not take up too much time.
Speaking of brain hurt....
I had a test yesterday in my labor and employment law class. Anyone who had ever tried to take a law class or has tried to read law will understand that it is quite taxing to the brain. Well I had to understand the law mumbo jumbo and be able to explain in lame mens terms what it meant along with state the amendment that made the rule, the year it happened and if their was a case what the case was and I had to know all of the amendments that went along with union rules, sec 8(a)(1-5) and
sec 8(b)(1-7) and all of this in an hour and a half. Is your brain hurting yet? Because mine is starting to....
Anyway, that is my rambling for the moment, back to homework.
Posted by Robbie at 2:11 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
So Fast
Can you believe that we are half way through October?
I am personally glad, For me October is always insane. I always have a million things due and tests on top of that. So for me it is good, but the rest of the month will fly!
Patrick went hunting this last weekend. This was the first time he could actually take his gun. And he had a big gun! He did not shoot anything, not sure if Matt and him would know what to do if they did shoot one! If I get pictures I will post them.
Posted by Robbie at 12:09 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
This weekend we were supposed to go to salt lake, the three of us. We were going to go to a concert and then Lagoon. Well the freak snow storm in October prevented. I still wonder if we had continued to trudge on would the roads have cleared up and we would have been able to make it?
It would have been a lot of fun, oh well right?
Posted by Robbie at 12:05 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 1, 2007
Today is the first of October, which means the start of the holiday season. Halloween then Thanksgiving and Christmas and New years. In honor of the holidays watch my avatar (on the right hand side of the page). I will change it frequently to match the holidays.
There will be many costume changes and other changes with the holiday!!!!
Posted by Robbie at 9:53 AM 1 comments
Monday, September 24, 2007
Group Work
So I really hate group work, projects are not fun, but at least you have only one assignment to do. Group work on the other hand not so much fun, multiple assignments, multiple meetings.
Well the college of business is famous for group projects and group work. So now I have to meet with all of these groups and on top of that most of them hold jobs so scheduling becomes a nightmare. AHHH
Well on the bright side only 8 months left and then I will no longer have to juggle group work with every class. I will only have to juggle working with others at work, won't that be nice.
Oh, on a brighter note, there is an internship here at the school. It is on campus in the HR department and they will work around my schedule. I have applied for it, now I wait. Hopefully I get it.
Posted by Robbie at 1:17 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
A new day
Patrick got into a fight at school. So he is doing yard work this whole week. He hates yard work and seeing that we have 4 big trees and flower gardens that need some serious help, he will have plenty to do. Especially with fall right around the corner.
I keep being told that this is the start to it all. He is going to be a trouble maker from here on out. Why does everyone think they are the expert on my kid? It drives me crazy. I understand this could lead to more, but does the whole world need to tell me and be the expert on my kid?
Other than that life has been quite uneventful. Sucks to be a grown up.
Posted by Robbie at 7:37 AM 1 comments
Monday, September 10, 2007
It has been so long since I have posted, well school has started, and that is why I have not taken the time to post. Classes so far are going good. I am staying very busy though and I know it is only a matter of time before my family starts to feel neglected. Patrick asked me last night to play Monopoly with him, I couldn't.
What classes am I taking you ask......
Organizational behavior- a management class
CIS - a computer class intertwined with BA a business writing class
HR - My first Human Resource class
Labor and employment law
and Operational Management.
Yes they will keep my busy, I will try to post as much as possible, but you know how that goes!
Posted by Robbie at 10:43 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Random Things About ME
Random Things About Me
1. Here are the rules
2. We have to post these rules before we give you the facts
3. Players start with 8 random facts/ habits about themselves
4. People who are tagged need to write there own blog and need to post their 8 things and these rules.
5. At the end of your blog, you need to chose 8 people to get tagged and list their names don't forget to leave them a comment telling them to read your blog.
My 8 random things about me...
1. I have a strong desire (but not devotion) to one day run a marathon.
2. I would love to be a pediatric nurse, I just could not handle it.
3. I am freaked out by needles, the sight of blood makes me woozy and I dry heave at the sight of puke or poop. (hence the can't handle in #2)
4. Speaking of freaked out ......... I am terrified of mice, deathly terrified.
5. Some day (in the far future) I would like to have a PhD.
hmmm.... Dr Robbie I like the sound of that.
6. I love mowing the lawn, just never have the time.
7. I scream in the theater when I watch scary movies, sometimes I am the only one screaming.
8. I want to Jump!!!!
Bungee Jump
Parachute out of an airplane
Sky Dive
hang glide
And anything else that would require me to jump.
Jennifer and Clifford consider yourself tagged ......
Posted by Robbie at 2:01 PM 1 comments
Monday, August 27, 2007
Stay at home moms
So it has been a bit since I have posted last and I have been doing nothing! Yep, nothing. I had a week off, no school, no work and I did absolutely nothing. The extent of my day was making dinner, cleaning the house, laundry and making sure Patrick made it to and from school. It was nice at first, but got really boring after awhile. I could never be a stay at home mom, so to all those stay at home moms or aspiring stay at home moms out there, I admire you....
And Rachel, the 8 random things is coming.
Posted by Robbie at 2:30 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
After tonight I have only one night left and Soda and then I am on my way home. I am only working half day on Friday so I will be home in the afternoon! I can't wait to go home. I hate to cook and all I want to do is to go home to cook my family dinner. Dinner, where we all have to sit at the table and possible hold a conversation! I miss that! I miss having dinner with my family.
Patrick starts school on Monday, it will be his first day of JR high. I am sort of worried about him and I know Matt is too. It is such a big step, when did my baby become old enough to be in Jr high? I hope he makes lots of good friends, not ones that will be fair weathered or will get him into trouble, some good friends, Friends for life friends. What a tough age, and he has no idea how tough it will be. This is where the actions he chooses will affect him for the rest of his life. He'll be fine right....
I start school a week after Patrick. 9 months and counting. I cannot wait to be done. To take that last final, sell back that last book and get the little piece of paper I have been working so hard to get. Wow that will be the day!
Posted by Robbie at 11:00 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Harry Potter
Your Score: Nymphadora Tonks
You scored 34% Maturity, 70% Goodness, and 36% Abilities!
You're Tonks, you've got the ability to change your facial features at will, and you're part of the Order of the Phoenix. Even though you're one of the youngest in the Order you hold your own nicely, even if you did have some troubles passing parts of your Auror test.
Link: The In-Depth HP Personality Test written by on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the The Dating Persona Test |
Posted by Robbie at 10:08 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 13, 2007
A week to go
Today I found out for sure that I did not get the job. The girl from Monsanto corp got it, after all she did have 5 years of experience behind her.
I have one week left of the internship and then I will be back home and that will be nice. I am about sick of traveling!
Patrick got home yesterday, his dad called to tell me that his brothers have strep throat and Patrick's throat hurt yesterday. Well, I am not home and Matt has never had to deal with something like this. Great time to be gone...........
Posted by Robbie at 5:56 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 6, 2007
Mud Puddels and Sunny Yellow Dandelions
Big Mud Puddles and Sunny Yellow Dandelions
Author Unknown
"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take - but by the moments that take our breath away."

When I look at a patch of dandelions, I see a bunch of weeds that are going to take over my yard.
My kids see flowers for Mom and blowing white fluff you can wish on.

When I look at an old drunk and he smiles at me, I see a smelly, dirty person who probably wants money and I look away.
My kids see someone smiling at them and they smile back.

When I hear music I love, I know I can't carry a tune and don't have much rhythm so I sit self-consciously and listen.
My kids feel the beat and move to it. They sing out the words. If they don't know them, they make up their own.

When I feel wind on my face, I brace myself against it. I feel it messing up my hair and pulling me back when I walk.
My kids close their eyes, spread their arms and fly with it, until they fall to the ground laughing.

When I pray, I say thee and thou and grant me this, give me that.
My kids say, "Hi God! Thanks for my toys and my friends. Please keep the bad dreams away tonight. Sorry, I don't want to go to Heaven yet. I would miss my Mommy and Daddy."

When I see a mud puddle I step around it. I see muddy shoes and dirty carpets.

My kids sit in it. They see dams to build, rivers to cross, and worms to play with.
I wonder if we are given kids to teach or to learn from? No wonder God loves the little children!
Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.

I wish you Big Mud Puddles and Sunny Yellow Dandelions!!!
Posted by Robbie at 11:22 PM 0 comments
Almost Home
I think Monsanto has made their decision about the job. I have not been told I did not get the job, I have been told they still have to check references. Which tells me that they picked someone else and if her references don't check out they will move down the line to the next candidates. From the little I saw her, they made the right choose. She currently works at Monsanto at a different location and just seemed like a good fit.
I am glad, I was a little stressed about how it was all going to work. I already miss being home more than anything and can't wait to be done with this internship. I miss my house, my bed and my family. I am almost done! I have this week, which I am only working 3 days, and next week. We go pick up Patrick on Sunday so shortly we will all be home!
We are also going to Boise this weekend for a concert. I can hardly wait to just play and have no responsibilities until Sunday!
Posted by Robbie at 6:02 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 30, 2007
The Big 3 0
Well as of July 23, I am now 30. Yes 30. I thought it would be harder to say and harder to deal with, but what can I really do about it? I am happy were my life is, so I really can't complain.
So in honor of my bday here is what happened in 1977
In 1977 (the year you were born) |
![]() Jimmy Carter becomes president of the US Most of the 10,000 Vietnam War draft evaders are pardoned by President Carter Singer Anita Bryant starts her "Save Our Children" crusade against gay rights Elvis Presley dies in his Graceland bathroom Congress creates a Department of Energy Anwar Sadat flies to Jerusalem in a dramatic gesture of willingness to discuss peace Orlando Bloom, Shakira, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Liv Tyler, and Ludacris are born New York Yankees win the World Series Oakland Raiders win Superbowl XI Montreal Canadiens win the Stanley Cup Swedish music group ABBA passes The Beatles as having most records sold Star Wars is the top grossing film The Shining by Stephen King is published "You Light Up My Life" by Debby Boone spends the most time at the top of the US charts Three's Company premieres |
I was born and Elvis dies???
You are 73% Leo |
![]() |
Posted by Robbie at 9:07 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
New Job????
This week at work has been pretty good, which has been nice because I am really missing being home. The company picnic is this weekend and we are working on an outreach seminar so I have been busy. Well today I decided to go to lunch with Alena (another intern), and when I get back there is a Monsanto folder on my desk. I open it and in there is a letter telling me that I have an interview for the HR generalist position.
For those who did not know, an HR position came open. I have been lobbying for a few weeks now to be considered for this position. Well, when I went to Pocatello to the ID Dept of Labor I was told to put in my resume and if I was the best candidate I would be hired.
I still have to get through the interview and be the best candidate, but I am here only on an internship and they are considering me! It really made my day! I have had the worst luck, and in the last few years everything has gotten so much easier for me. I am sure it is because my attitude and the way I deal with things is so much better. My Interview is Friday the 27th and I am quite nervous about it.
Posted by Robbie at 6:53 PM 1 comments
Monday, July 16, 2007
Rachel is my hero. Not only is she the perfect mom (one Patrick should have had), but she also is the perfect blogger! She is always updating it telling the world about her life. Well I love it because it is like I get an insight of her life. What she is doing, what is new, and how she feels and all of this with out talking to her! So, I am going to try to be a good blogger.
I wish I could have a computer that types my thoughts out while I am driving. I have been doing a lot of commuting and the thoughts that come on a long drive by yourself!
Let me tell you about my weekend. It was supposed to be a nice slow weekend. I must have been crazy to think that would happen. I came into town Thursday to shop for Bingo prizes (I had a budget of $1000) for our picnic. Then I had to be in Pocatello to meet with ID labor and commerce with my supervisor and then rush back to IF to pick up t-shirts for the picnic. In all of this crazy madness I drove by a wreck on the freeway. All through out the day I was going a million miles per hour, speeding as I went and irritated that I had to go to Pocatello. Well this wreck, it brought traffic to a complete stop (unusual in ID) and when I passed it humbled me. The SUV was blue, but looked brown because it had rolled so many times. The windshield was broken and the side windows broken out and the car was laying on it side. It appeared that nobody was hurt too badly. It was a very somber image.
So it made me think, is everything really that urgent that I cannot slow down? I speed everywhere I go, I never have time to stop and hug my loved ones, and am always so busy....
But would it really hurt me to slow down? So this weekend, even though I had other obligations, I made sure to do something with Matt that he loves. I made sure to give him a little more attention and a few more hugs. If Patrick were here I would do the same for him.
So the moral.......
Slow down, smell the roses and dance for a little while.
Posted by Robbie at 6:31 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Something about being away from your family that makes you appreciate what you have. This is only week 2 of the internship. I really miss my family.
I used to dream on having a few minutes alone. Boy, who would have thought I would hate the alone time so much. I miss being greeted at the door by a dog, hearing from a 12 year old "what's for dinner" and being met by a 28 year old gripping about his day. I have really learned to appreciate the family I have.
I truely love my boys!!!!
Posted by Robbie at 10:07 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 2, 2007
Can you believe that 2 years ago Matt and I were in Vegas (With Elvis, courtesy of my brothers and sisters) getting married? Well it has been a whirlwind. Some days I think I could strangle him and other days I cannot wait to see him. I guess that is the ups and downs of being married. To celebrate we went to hooters for dinner, what did you expect??? I am happy for the 3 years, 2 of them married, that I have been with Matt. He is my best friend and even on the "strangle him days" I would never give up what I have. I love talking to him, being with him, and enjoy the bond that we have. Happy Anniversary Matt!
Posted by Robbie at 11:39 AM 1 comments
Labels: Anniversary