Thursday, March 20, 2008

I've been tagged ........ a little about me

I've been tagged...A Little Bit about Me
ten years ago..

I was 20 years old, and lets just say my life is completely different from now, and different for the better. Patrick was 3 and cute as can be. I look back at pictures and he is always smiling and looked so sweet, but my memory tells me different. He was hell on wheels, but I would not have it any different. My personal life was utter confusions, the funny thing is, I thought it was perfect. Looking back it wasn't and I am ever so thankful for the way life turned out for me.

5 THINGS ON MY TO DO LIST: (this is my to do list for spring break)
1. Attend Tigeri meeting (a committee for school)
2. Get an oil change and car looked at (it is making a horrible noise)
3. Go to an interview with Ireland Bank
4. Get my hair cut
5. Disinfect Patrick's room


I would pay off my massive student loans and invest the rest.

4 BAD HABITS: (I am sure Matt could name a million)
1. Treats, I love treats, hence the weight gain
2. I'll open a soda and not finish it, I usually only take 2 or 3 drinks out of it
3. Not putting gas in my car
4. not fully listening

1. ISU - HR intern
2. Monsanto - HR intern
3. Big Brothers Big Sisters
4. RS&I
5. Circuit City

Places I've Lived..
Idaho Falls, Alaska

Things I like to do....
This should not be a tough question, but it is one that I have been asking myself a lot lately. Getting through school all I have done is school work so now I must remember the things I like to do. A few things are backpacking, bike riding, camping, I am going to start scrap booking, and reading books that I want to, and I would like to start running (we'll see about that one).

TAG Rachel, and Clifford, and Heather (she needs to be tagged twice and then maybe she will do this)

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Too close to home

Today I checked my email to find one from Patrick's science teacher with the subject line of letter. I first think what in the world has he done now. Let me tell you it was a shock. She had sent a letter that was basically a memo to all parents. On the bathroom wall someone had written
“I’m bringing a gun March 13, Ya’ll had better run.”

As you know, today is the 13th of march. That freaks me out a little. That is just way too close to home. Things like this have been in the news for a while now, and maybe I am a little numb to it now, but it has never hit so close to home. After reading that I called Matt, still in shock a bit, and then a million what if's run through my head. It makes me sad that our children have to live in such a world, we never had to deal with anything like this. We never had drills of how to deal with someone shooting at us at school, we had fire drills! It enrages me and makes me want to cry at the same time.

Now the school handled this wonderfully. A student reported it and the administration went to work. They have cameras that show who entered and exited the bathroom (again nothing we ever had to deal with) so the interviewed all of those people, with parents permission (no admissions of guilt). This morning they had 5 police offers and a police dog at the school. After all of the students were in their first hour the police searched all of the lockers and all open areas, no weapons were found and they offered the opportunity for parents to keep their kids home.

Since I did not check my email until 2pm Patrick went to school. Since I leave the house at 6am, Patrick rode his bike to school. I did not see the police at the school. However, I think I would have lost it if I had seen it. It is a sad day in Idaho when police are at the school when you drop your kid off.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Life is good

Today I went and picked up my laptop. It is wonderful and fixed.
It was the hard drive, Matt just happens to know the right people and we only paid $80 to buy and have a new hard drive put in, and he fixed my space bar! It pays to have a husband with a useful trade. He does a little plumbing and I get a faster hard drive, no complaints there.

As you all can see I have a count down, 58 days until graduation! Can you believe it? Me graduating with a Bachelor's degree??

And for the bag, it has become a tradition for it to show up every birthday and every Christmas. It must never die. It would not be right for the bag to not show up again. Jennifer you should not throw the bad away, tape can fix anything.

For those of you wondering, this bag has been reused among our family for three years. It has become fun, and as Jennifer said you must be special to receive the bag.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Hubby Tag

My Sister Tagged me, so here we go....

What is his name? Mathew Ryan Bateson

How long have you been married? 3 Years in April

How long did you date? 10 Months

When was your first kiss? The fist night I met him, sitting my window seat when I lived on 2nd st

How old is he? 29

Who eats more? Matt, well maybe about the same. What can I say.. I am addicted to food.

Who said I love you first? Matt did, to be honest with you it kind of freaked me out. I did not want to be in a relationship, but I loved him back. Kind of scared me.

Who is taller? I am

Who sings better? Neither of us should sing, However, Matt insists on having a "microphone" in the car. If I sing he will put what ever is in his hands in front of my mouth and tell me to sing into the microphone.

Whose temper is worse? We are pretty equal on the temper, which can be a very bad thing. Not to mention we are both hard headed and refuse to admit we are wrong. Makes it interesting sometimes.

Who does the laundry? I am so lucky. Matt does it all and he does it right. He separates the colors and separates my delicate cycle load and hangs up all of my clothes so that they don't shrink. Oh and he puts the clothes away, too. Not always in the right spot though.

Who does the dishes? That would be me. We do have a dishwasher though.

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Me, it is right by the heater vent and I freeze if I don't and that is where my alarm is. But on the weekends he jumps into the right side.

Who mows the lawn? When we fist moved into our house, me. Then I took a summer class and he did, last summer I was in Soda Springs so once again he did.

Who pays the bills? Me, but we seem to argue quite a bit about how it should be done.

Who cooks dinner? If we eat at home me, Matt has been trying to cook a little more, but he shouldn't cook. He cooked corn on the cob for an hour once. YUCK.

Who drives when you are together? Depends on which vehicle we take. Mine or his (Pathetic huh, we have my car his truck)
Mostly me though, Matt hates to drive and I hate when he drives. Seems to be a pretty mutual agreement between us.

Who is more stubborn? As I said earlier we both are pretty stubborn, we both think that we are always right.

Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Matt has definitely been better at this then me. After all I am never wrong.

Whose parents do you see the most? Matt's I think we see them 4 to 5 times a week. Matt does talk to them everyday.....

Who proposed? I would say Matt, but I almost want to say it was just kind of mutual. He told me to go look at rings, so I did and then he came home with his mom's old wedding ring. I got it sized and gave it to him. He looked at it, handed it back to me and said, "will you"

Who has more friends? We both know quite a bit of people, Matt does have more friends more, and he talks to his much more than I do.

Who has more siblings? Me, I have 5 siblings he has 1

Who wears the pants in the family? We both wear shorts, which means that neither of us wears the pants. We both know it is best to not tell each other what to do.

What is his favorite meal? Nachos, and his mom's tacos

What does he enjoy doing in his spare time? Anything that involves building, fishing, anything outdoors and I am pretty sure hanging out with me, he did tell me "Robbie, we are best friends. We do everything together."

what is one of his good qualities? He is very generous and friendly and outgoing and funny. He is himself always, never trying to put on a front.

What do you love most about him? How well he takes care of me and Patrick and that he is my best friend.

I tag... Clifford and Rachel you should have your mom do this.

Sunday, March 2, 2008


Technology is a beautiful thing, it is amazing how depend we are on it. I say this because my laptop crashed on me. I turn it on and it tries and then turns off and tries to turn off again. We have brought it to Matt's friend, who owns a computer shop, with the hopes of having it fixed. So now I have to sit in the computer room where the desktop is. I no longer can move from room to room as I please.

The worse part about it.... What if it can't be fixed. I use it at school all of the time and having only a few months left I will not buy another right now. Only time will tell what it going to happen.