Well I made it through the first week of school. OK this semester really won't be that bad except I lack motivation. I have always heard about senioridos, well I have it and bad. But I will get past it. This semester I have only 13 credits, a breeze compared to last semester.
The classes I am taking are:
- Strategic management
- Advanced Human Resource
- Ethics
- Industrial Relations
- and Business admin class (supposed to teach me how to write resumes, look for a job, etc, its really a dumb class)
I also have an internship in the HR dept at the school. My worse days are Mondays. I get there at 8am for the internship and have class until 9:45pm. Other than that it is a breeze, I am home by 2pm on Tuesday and Thursday and home by 4pm on Wednesday and no school or internship on Fridays.
Now the countdown to graduation begins!