Monday, January 21, 2008

School ... again

Well I made it through the first week of school. OK this semester really won't be that bad except I lack motivation. I have always heard about senioridos, well I have it and bad. But I will get past it. This semester I have only 13 credits, a breeze compared to last semester.

The classes I am taking are:

  • Strategic management
  • Advanced Human Resource
  • Ethics
  • Industrial Relations
  • and Business admin class (supposed to teach me how to write resumes, look for a job, etc, its really a dumb class)

I also have an internship in the HR dept at the school. My worse days are Mondays. I get there at 8am for the internship and have class until 9:45pm. Other than that it is a breeze, I am home by 2pm on Tuesday and Thursday and home by 4pm on Wednesday and no school or internship on Fridays.

Now the countdown to graduation begins!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

New Year

Well we have now entered 2008. It will be a good year for me, seeing that I will be graduating and hopefully beginning a new job!! Also on the 14th I will begin another internship, this one is with ISU in the HR department.

So what did we do to ring in the new year?? We went to Olive Garden with Clifford, Share, Bryan and his girlfriend. It was a lot of fun and good of course. Matt loved it which is quite funny because he refused to ever eat there, but went because he was out voted. Matt had chicken scapini (not sure how to spell) and I had some garlic chicken on Alfredo and we sat and talked. It was a lot of fun. We then went to my in-laws and hung out for a bit. However, we were home by 10.

So here is to a happy and healthy new year and good luck to any of you who happened to make resolutions (I did not make any).